Follow the trials and tribulations of four friends from Berkshire College of Agriculture as they embark on the challenge of training for, and completing, an Ironman triathlon.
Friday, 31 December 2010
What a turkey
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Christmas Swimming
Which way to the beach?

Not sure how far I covered as the GPS signal was too weak for my run keeper, so I did a 30 mins out, 30 mins back run at as high an intensity as I could maintain. Serious DOMS today - mainly due to attacking hard the couple of hundred stairs up and over the headland. My legs were saying no but the new leggings and trainers santa had bought me were screaming for more!!
Doing a coastal run, albeit a short one was awesome and a pretty inspiring place to train - I can sense a few ironman training camps away by the sea over the spring and summer may be on the agenda!!
Sunday, 26 December 2010
7 mile trimtrail on Christmas Eve, it's play time
A seven mile trimtrail to wash away yet another good night! The energy for training in this holiday period has been high but somewhat difficult and counter productive as the beers and mince pies are calling me!!
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Swimming in the snow

Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Weights: Chest: flat bench press: (set 1: 15reps 60kg, Set 2-5: 8-10 reps 80kg, Set 6: 3 reps 90kg Set 7: 20 reps 60kg) Cable Crossovers (Set 1-4: 10-12 reps 22.5kg) Arms: Bicep Curls: (Set 1-7: 10 reps) Tricep press (Set 1-4: 20 reps 32.5kg)
Sunday, 19 December 2010
First competitive event post entry to the Iron Man

course, time: 38:36 minutes, position 51st.
Very happy with my time for this event, I approached this race with
aggression and speed, the use of self talk throughout the race help me
to maintain focus. As a result I managed to run faster than my
previous 10k time by approx of 1minute 30sec.
Although I enjoy the physical demands of running the shorter
distances, over the next 6weeks my focus will lie on increasing the
mileage that I'm doing in preparation for the 50miles from Oxford to
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Race number 50 miler Thames Trot
Exciting morning, however some what daunting, a small hurdle in the preparation to the Iron Man!
Have you seen this man???

Have you seen Neil Prior? If so please let his fellow Ironmen competitiors know as they are very worried about him! - He was not seen at the pool this morning and it is not like Neil to miss a session, especially one that quite often involves a trip to the jacuzzi!! All KFC's within a 20 mile radius have been informed of Neil's dissapearance - he is expected to turn up at one or more of these establishments in the very near future - if you see him, remind him he is a pool session down!!
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Saturday December 4th - Lets get some miles in the legs!

The tow-path at Henley on Thames - part of the ironman run course!
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
I'm in!
Monday, 6 December 2010
First training run
Friday, 3 December 2010
December 3rd - First poor training session

Managed to hit the gym at 7:30 this morning. I was aiming for 7 but the cricket was on the radio and though I'd listen to England dismantle the Aussies for a bit (mistake #1).
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
December 1st - training begins!
Big pool session at 07:00 this morning. Myself, Neil and Phil strutted into the Magnet in our speedo's looking every inch the.... overweight, out of shape complete novice swimmers that we are! However I think we were all pretty happy with our efforts, completing around 50-60 lengths in 45 minutes. Not spectacular by any means but its a start. It was about minus 3 outside but we sure worked up a sweat in that pool!
Off to work now to load up on calories, conserve some carbs and oh yeah... do some teaching!
"Expect nothing, blame nobody, do something!"