Follow the trials and tribulations of four friends from Berkshire College of Agriculture as they embark on the challenge of training for, and completing, an Ironman triathlon.
Friday, 25 February 2011
Week 1 training program - Yikes!
We're working off a 30 week periodised program laid down by triathlon legend Don Fink (from the publication 'Be Tri Fit'). Week 0ne is as below. We're 5 days in and in bits already!
Week 1
Mon: Rest
Tues: Swim #33 (1hr) and Run HR Zone 2 (30mins)
Weds: Bike HR Zone 2 (30mins) QUICK CHANGE Run HR Zone 2 (15mins)
Thurs: Run HR Zone (30mins)
Fri: Swim #34 (1hr) and Bike HR Zone 1 100RPM + (30mins)
Sat: Bike HR zone 2 (1hr)
Sun: Run HR zone 1 (45mins)
Swim #33 = 300Wu, 8x50DR,12X100@20SEC, 8X50DR, 200CD
Swim #34 = 300Wu, 8x50DR, 4X125 rest 20secs, 4X 175 rest 30SEC, 4X125 @20, 8X50DR, 200CD
In total the week is supposed to involve 6hrs training although given the swims have taken longer than expected it'll more than likely end up at 7hrs. By July we're programmed to be doing upwards of 14hrs per week!
Who's idea was this.......?!
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
The last ride - Paul's new socks!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Bike fitting
My last week...
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Early morning training sessions
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
The Ironboys

(L-R) Alex, Stewart, Neil, Phil
All in need of some warm weather training by the looks of things!!
Don't forget to breathe!
Gonna give this workout a try on Fri morning.
Warm up:
200m easy swimming
Set 1:
2 x 100m Front Crawl - 20 seconds rest - concentrate on long strokes
4 x 50m Front Crawl - 15 second rest - concentrate on leg kick from hips
2 x 100m Front Crawl - 20 seconds rest - try and put all together
All distance to be at 50% max intensity -
set 2:
1 x 100m swim - try to breath every 4 strokes
20 seconds rest
4 x 50m swim get faster each 50m - last 50m should be arounf 70% effort - 10 seconds rest between each 50m
20 seconds rest
1 x 100m swim - try to breath every 4 strokes
swim down - 200m super easy and relaxed Total distance: 1400m
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
50 Mile Thames Trot Ultra Marathon

I have recently embarked on the biggest challenge of my running life, in preparation for the endurance slog that the Iron Man will bring. The event took place on the banks and towpaths of England's largest river as well as footpaths and bridleways covering 50 miles; this is known as an Ultra distance course, the event organisers are called Go Beyond Ultra, which says it all! The run started at Oxford and followed the River Thames, by the first few miles I was questioning why I had packed so much, and the extra weight of my rucksack certainly increased the difficulty of the event. However the scenery was great and inspiration was gained within the first half from seeing a vast amount of rowers training hard on the water. During the second half of the race we decided to make a tactical change in our approach to the check points, which resulted in spending less time taken at check points and walking while we fuelled up. Entering Reading, motivation was increased as a thought that Mr. Harrison once said to me kept going through my head “every step taken is a step closer to home”. Shortly after we were joined by a fellow Iron Man Mr. Ballard, who offered inspirational words and encouragement, the sound track to Karate Kid helped enormously. The final stages were somewhat challenging as we made our way down to Henley in the dark, Knowing that we had finished was a great feeling and hearing the joy of happiness from my wife was special.
A big thanks goes out to my Ultra-Marathon buddy Gary Clarke, who made the event very enjoyable! I look forward to running the Great Welsh Marathon with you in April.
Monday, 7 February 2011
Attempt to show some of the training
Let me know if it doesn't work and I will speak to my tech friend. Neil...........!
Friday, 4 February 2011
Friday's swim session
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Ten top tips for a top ten swim!
1) RELAX!! Enjoy swimming. Don't try too hard.
2) Do not try and touch the bottom of the pool! - Keep the arm bent whilst under water
3) Keep your elbow above your wrist - especially key when underwater
4) Keep your body as narrow/streamline as possible - engage the core. Your core is what connects your arms and legs together when you swim. A weak core will lead to a inefficient stroke.
5) Keep the arm stroke long - enter and stretch - smooth pull - full extension
6) Minimize cross over - left arm stays on left side of body/right arm stays on right side
7) Kick from the Hips
8) Kick for balance not for power
9) Kick from the hips
10) RELAX!! try and swim with a neck - shoulders down and back
I think it's fair to say we've all benefited massivley from some coaching. Big thanks again to Hayley.
Phil and I trained down at Windsor pool this morning where there were a number of B2P swimmers racing each other... I wonder how long it'll be before we're mixing it with these guys! Bring it on!