Follow the trials and tribulations of four friends from Berkshire College of Agriculture as they embark on the challenge of training for, and completing, an Ironman triathlon.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Thursday, 6 October 2011

The day before the race - sorting out the masses of gear and nutrition needed for the day - all to be sorted into colour coded bags and checked and double checked.
Last minutes tweaks also made on the this stage she was looking good!!

The Pre Race Briefing - nearly 1000 prospective ironmen gather in a marquee to go through the rules and regs of the event.

Sprits were high as we tucked into some paella and a coke
Working hard out of T2 with 26.2 miles ahead. I'd dreaded this moment but actually feel really good. The legs that are usually like jelly after a cycle feel pretty good. This should've been a sign to take it easy but I try and push on.
Mission complete!

End of July 2011 - I returned from America feeling in fantastic shape. Training with my buddy and pro triathlete Pete Mallett had inspired me and along with some improvments in my swimming tekkers from our pool work, and running speed from our track sessions and nightime runs through Boston College and NorthWestern Uni Campuses I felt great. I followed this up with a 3km lake swim at Marlow. for the first time ever I was close to Harrison come the end which gave me a lot of confidence.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Challenge Complete!
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Harrison 3rd leaving Hindley eating his dust in 4th
Harrison smashes out his first road triathlon in a very respectable 3rd position for his age category and 11th in the overall position. Both competitors started fast in the water, however the fast start took its toll on Hindley as he had failed to stay relaxed and suffered for his mistakes. This poor swim left him 6 minutes behind Harrison. Both athletes smashed out a trouble free bike ride and concluded the event with a fast run. The race results can be found following the link below. The picture from left to right, Phil Hindley, Martyn Edwards (F3 Event Director), Sam Gardner (Pro Triathlete), Stewart Harrison. All the men will be competing in Challenge Henley, Sam will be competing in his first long distance triathlon and Martyn has recently signed up for the half iron man distance.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Harrison and I have smashed out an iron man this week! Approaching each discipline separately rather than together we decided to start on the bike, cycling our furthest distance we rode the official loop of the Challenge Henley course. Tackling the long taxing hills three times put a massive strain on our body. We completed the course in 6 hours 36 minutes, happy with this we decided to have a day to recover and put our furthest run in, wanting to become familiar with the Challenge Henley run course we set out to run three out of the four laps aiming to complete 19 miles. However we added a little extra to each loop to complete the gruelling 26.2 miles in 3 hours 54 minutes. Being fulfilled with our achievements on the run and the cycle we could not justify cutting our swim short so the following day we swam the 3.8km. This week has been all about putting in the distances, this has had both physical and mental gains. On completion of this I have decided to further my research on preparing myself mentally and methods to increase mental strength.
Lake swimming in Italy
A holiday with Mrs Hindley to the Italy Lakes offered me with a great opportunity to gain confidence in my swim and get some millage in. Within a week I managed to get 6 good 3km swims in I also managed to get 4 good runs in, a hard 1hr run, 2x 12 mile runs and15 mile run. On my return I contact Harrison and we had a spin out on the bike covering 50 miles, I picking up a puncture 35 miles into the cycle but this offered me practice to use my foam canister. The repair job on the tub lasted a further 15miles. In general the cycle ride was a really good eye opener as we meet approx. 50 cyclists all cycling the challenge Henley loop. The training session inspired Harrison and I to get some millage in our legs!
Training on the bike
The bike element could be argued as the most important out of the three disciplines, it is certainly the furthest distance and takes the longest time to complete therefore it is one that cannot be neglected and ignored! With this in mind my recent focus in training has been towards the bike, getting strong on the bike and more importantly getting my legs prepared for the hills that Challenge Henley course demands. Cycling approximately 200 miles in 4 days the training was going well just before picking up a puncture in my back tub. A trip to the bike shop slowed my progress down. Whilst I was still at work I decided to ordered some spare 650c tubs for my front wheel and visit the bike shop at the weekend to get me back on the road for the week ahead. Not wanting to lose days training I cracked out a small 4 mile run and a 3km swim over the weekend. With training slowing down slightly over the weekend I decided to swim 3km followed by an 83 miles bike ride, which was my furthest cycle to date. Rest for a day I decided to get back out on the bike and get two hours in the saddle.
Training up date
Monday, 8 August 2011
Thames Trots
Friday, 22 July 2011
First Olympic Distance Triathlon
Swim Time 00:20:59(5) Swim Time 00:28:29(87)
T1 00:00:32 T1 00:01:10
Bike Time 01:04:21(4) Bike Time 01:10:30(53)
T2 00:00:32 T2 00:00:36
Run Time 00:40:00(15) Run Time 00:39:02(10)
Overall Time02:06:27 Overall Time 02:19:49
Previous lake training distance have included 4.5km, Aquathlon with Harrison (3.8km swim & 7 mile run), my previous two swims have been 3km. After buying a new pair of goggles for the triathlon my last swim has felt like my strongest, visibility certainly aids swimming performance! Prior to the Triathlon I had a great ride out on my bike with another excellent triathlete who will be alongside us on the starting line on the 18th of September for Challenge Henley, Laurence Miles. Laurence is a GB long distance triathlete, who achieved 10th overall position on Marlow Triathlon at the weekend, 2nd in his age group, a frustrating 15 seconds behind the winner who has also represented GB for triathlons. Laurence and I cycled a loop of the challenge Henley Course, clocking 70 miles in total.
Monday, 18 July 2011
Training update
Marlborough Tri 2011 - Podium finish!
Sunday, 10 July 2011
First session stateside
Possible opportunity this weekend to race in a sprint tri just outside Boston - updates on this and future training to follow. Hoping the boys back in berkshire are training hard - no doubt of this! Half Ironman pencilled in the diary for July 30th - fingers crossed were ready!
Monday, 4 July 2011
Strange fish!!

It turned out to be an awesome session and a great atmosphere down at the lake. despite the initial worries, a total of 3KM was covered! Only 800 meters short of the full ironman distance. Confidance gained no doubt!
Photo (L-R) Phil 'the dolphin' Harrison, Stewart 'the stickleback' Harrison, Alex 'the mutated sea bass' Ballard.
They've won it four times!

The team of Si Neale, Alex Balalrd, Stewart Harrison, Phil Hindley and captain Jon Childs romped home in a collective time of 2:33:00 after all running two blistering legs each around the 2.6 mile course. Some awesome running was on dislay despite the harsh weather and PB's were logged by all the BCA athletes who were looking lean and hungry despite already taking the event title for the previous 3 years.
Check out the link below for the event video
The BCA-B team were also on great form with some top runs from all the athletes.
As the trophy was presented the organsiers stated that a 5th win next year would net the BCA team the trophy for keeps! Let's have it then!!
Friday, 3 June 2011
Team Hulkamania Smash up the Green Belter!
Young Gary Clarke and myself SMASHED UP the legendary Green Belter Course in Hambeldon Estate on Saturday, we teamed up in silly rig as the famous wrestler Hulk Hogan. The Adventure course/competition consisted of a multi-sport mix of biking, running, kayak and a "Green Machine" obstacle course to finish on.
PB’s all-round in Marlow 5

Team BCA Smashed out Marlow 5 in first place as a company, after winning a £10 Waitrose voucher can we call ourselves professional athletes?
P.Hindley: 30:04 (PB)
J.Childs: 31:16 (PB)
A.Ballard: 31:26 (PB)
Birthday Swim in the River Thames.

To celebrate Stewarts 33rd birthday the three of use decided to go for an open water swim, slipping into the Thames and trying our best to put the pool swimming into practice. As expected Stewart was strong and Alex once settled into the open water looked comfortable and applied his pool skills to good effective use, whereas I was lucky to survive, a serious wake up call and an extremely poor swim from me however I did manage to apply the front crawl technique 90% of the way whereas in comparison to my swim the same time last year I could only manage breaststroke. I know swimming for me is going to be a challenging discipline, one that needs serious work on!
Great Welsh Marathon

As the spring sun broke through the early morning Llanelli mist on Sunday 10th April, six athletes lined up for the 9am start of the Llanelli Great Welsh Marathon.
Not knowing how to approach this race I settled in to my stride and sustained a comfortable pace, Alex, Jon and Si ran together for the early stage of the race and Sarah ran alongside Tony. On completion of our first marathon Alex and I were happy with our times, Jon smashed his PB, Si successfully ran a respectable marathon post injury, Sarah and her father was successful in what they set out to achieve. Well done to all!!
P.Hindley: 2:58:06 (PB)
J.Childs: 3:21:23 (PB)
A.Ballard: 3:23:40 (PB)
S. Neal: 4:05:34 (PB)
S. Lipscombe: 5:07;05 (PB)
T.Lipscombe: 5:59:51
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Harrison and Hindley smash their P.B's on Reading Half

Mr. S. Harrison position 346 Time: 1:25:31
Mr. P. Hindley position 302 Time: 1:24:39
Monday, 7 March 2011
Busy days ahead- Focus!!!
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
podgy knee
very podgy knee.... Ice and beer should hopefully fix it for tomorrow's early session! Its far to early to be missing training....
Friday, 25 February 2011
Week 1 training program - Yikes!
We're working off a 30 week periodised program laid down by triathlon legend Don Fink (from the publication 'Be Tri Fit'). Week 0ne is as below. We're 5 days in and in bits already!
Week 1
Mon: Rest
Tues: Swim #33 (1hr) and Run HR Zone 2 (30mins)
Weds: Bike HR Zone 2 (30mins) QUICK CHANGE Run HR Zone 2 (15mins)
Thurs: Run HR Zone (30mins)
Fri: Swim #34 (1hr) and Bike HR Zone 1 100RPM + (30mins)
Sat: Bike HR zone 2 (1hr)
Sun: Run HR zone 1 (45mins)
Swim #33 = 300Wu, 8x50DR,12X100@20SEC, 8X50DR, 200CD
Swim #34 = 300Wu, 8x50DR, 4X125 rest 20secs, 4X 175 rest 30SEC, 4X125 @20, 8X50DR, 200CD
In total the week is supposed to involve 6hrs training although given the swims have taken longer than expected it'll more than likely end up at 7hrs. By July we're programmed to be doing upwards of 14hrs per week!
Who's idea was this.......?!
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
The last ride - Paul's new socks!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Bike fitting
My last week...
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Early morning training sessions
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
The Ironboys

(L-R) Alex, Stewart, Neil, Phil
All in need of some warm weather training by the looks of things!!
Don't forget to breathe!
Gonna give this workout a try on Fri morning.
Warm up:
200m easy swimming
Set 1:
2 x 100m Front Crawl - 20 seconds rest - concentrate on long strokes
4 x 50m Front Crawl - 15 second rest - concentrate on leg kick from hips
2 x 100m Front Crawl - 20 seconds rest - try and put all together
All distance to be at 50% max intensity -
set 2:
1 x 100m swim - try to breath every 4 strokes
20 seconds rest
4 x 50m swim get faster each 50m - last 50m should be arounf 70% effort - 10 seconds rest between each 50m
20 seconds rest
1 x 100m swim - try to breath every 4 strokes
swim down - 200m super easy and relaxed Total distance: 1400m
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
50 Mile Thames Trot Ultra Marathon

I have recently embarked on the biggest challenge of my running life, in preparation for the endurance slog that the Iron Man will bring. The event took place on the banks and towpaths of England's largest river as well as footpaths and bridleways covering 50 miles; this is known as an Ultra distance course, the event organisers are called Go Beyond Ultra, which says it all! The run started at Oxford and followed the River Thames, by the first few miles I was questioning why I had packed so much, and the extra weight of my rucksack certainly increased the difficulty of the event. However the scenery was great and inspiration was gained within the first half from seeing a vast amount of rowers training hard on the water. During the second half of the race we decided to make a tactical change in our approach to the check points, which resulted in spending less time taken at check points and walking while we fuelled up. Entering Reading, motivation was increased as a thought that Mr. Harrison once said to me kept going through my head “every step taken is a step closer to home”. Shortly after we were joined by a fellow Iron Man Mr. Ballard, who offered inspirational words and encouragement, the sound track to Karate Kid helped enormously. The final stages were somewhat challenging as we made our way down to Henley in the dark, Knowing that we had finished was a great feeling and hearing the joy of happiness from my wife was special.
A big thanks goes out to my Ultra-Marathon buddy Gary Clarke, who made the event very enjoyable! I look forward to running the Great Welsh Marathon with you in April.
Monday, 7 February 2011
Attempt to show some of the training
Let me know if it doesn't work and I will speak to my tech friend. Neil...........!
Friday, 4 February 2011
Friday's swim session
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Ten top tips for a top ten swim!
1) RELAX!! Enjoy swimming. Don't try too hard.
2) Do not try and touch the bottom of the pool! - Keep the arm bent whilst under water
3) Keep your elbow above your wrist - especially key when underwater
4) Keep your body as narrow/streamline as possible - engage the core. Your core is what connects your arms and legs together when you swim. A weak core will lead to a inefficient stroke.
5) Keep the arm stroke long - enter and stretch - smooth pull - full extension
6) Minimize cross over - left arm stays on left side of body/right arm stays on right side
7) Kick from the Hips
8) Kick for balance not for power
9) Kick from the hips
10) RELAX!! try and swim with a neck - shoulders down and back
I think it's fair to say we've all benefited massivley from some coaching. Big thanks again to Hayley.
Phil and I trained down at Windsor pool this morning where there were a number of B2P swimmers racing each other... I wonder how long it'll be before we're mixing it with these guys! Bring it on!
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
A big helping hand...